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Looking for fully managed WeifenLuo(DockPanel Suite) replacement or hints on implementing one

I need a WeifenLuo replacement that'll run on both .NET and Mono, on Windows, Linux and Mac, preferrably licensed under the MIT license. I'd appreciate if the API was similar to WeifenLuo's, but I understand that such may not be available.

Also, since I couldn't find anything on Google, I believe this might not exist. In this case, I'd like some hints regarding how to implement this.

I have some(not much) Windows.Forms experience, and I must not use any P/Invoke. I already know out how to detect window motion and how to create a borderless translucent window on a given position and with a given size.

So here are some problems I am facing:

  1. WeifenLuo supports multiple left/right/top/bottom panes, allowing them to be resized and contain more than one panel.
  2. It also supports splittable tabs.

Is there anything else I should be aware of before starting? Are there similar open-source projects available?


  • I have been wanting the same thing. I have been testing a basic layout system for win forms and found that the mono Mac version of WinForms is not 100% complete like drag and drop has not been implemented and is slow.

    From my own searching GTK# has the best support across all platforms. The other way is to split the UI for each platform i.e. WinFoms, GTK# (linux) and Cocoa (cocoa#/monobjc).