[error] DeviceAffiliationCluster.scala:56: value ask is not a member of akka.actor.ActorRef
[error] def ask(msg: Any): Future[Any] = deviceRegion.ask(msg)
[error] ^
[warn] DeviceAffiliationCluster.scala:5: Unused import
[warn] import akka.pattern.ask
supplies an implicit conversion (from ActorRef
to AskableActorRef
, the latter which provides the method ask
When I compile using sbt, however, the conversion is NOT recognized. (Intellij sees the implicit conversion and has no issue with it, but I'm using sbt to build.)
I can get it to work explicitly:
val deviceRegion: ActorRef = ...
val deviceRegionAskable: AskableActorRef = deviceRegion
the problem is that your method ask
is hiding the ask method which you imported from akka.pattern.ask
If you use a different method name then your example works fine
import akka.actor._
import akka.pattern.ask
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent._
class FooActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case s: String => sender ! s"Hello $s"
val ac = ActorSystem()
implicit val ec : ExecutionContext = ac.dispatcher
val fooAc = ac.actorOf(Props[FooActor], "fa")
implicit val to = new akka.util.Timeout(10 seconds)
def ask2(msg: Any) : Future[Any] = fooAc.ask("foo")
val x = Await.result(ask2("foo"), Duration.Inf)