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Spring Boot - REST controller, test with MockMvc, Environment properties

I have a REST controller in a Spring boot application, simplyfied:

public class MyRestController {
    private Environment env;

    private String property1;

    private void init() {
        this.property1 = env.getProperty("myproperties.property_1");

    public String getMyData() {     
        System.out.println("property1: " + this.property1);

In application.yml I have defined the property similar to:

    property_1: value_1

When I use the REST controller, it works as expected, the value value_1 is read, and in the GET method present.

Now I wanted to test it with a unit test, similar too:

@SpringBootTest(classes = MyApp.class)
public class MyRestControllerTest {
    private MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter jacksonMessageConverter;    

    private PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver pageableArgumentResolver; 

    private ExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator;    

    private MockMvc restMyRestControllerMockMvc;

    public void setup() {

        final MyRestController myRestController = new MyRestController();

        this.restMyRestControllerMockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(myRestController)

    public void getMyDataTest() throws Exception {

When the method in test is executed, the value of the property property1 is null.

Why is that?

The code above is partially generated by JHipster, I'm not sure if this is a optimal solution, just reused it.



  • MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup not loads SpringContext so properties data are not available. You can verify this by using @Value("${myproperties.property_1}") annotation directly inside MyRestControllerTest - it will return "value_1" value (but inside MyRestController - will return null).

    Please change it to MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup and inject WebApplicationContext. (Eventually you can inject Environment bean into MyRestController by it constructor, but in my opinion this is Spring hacking.)

    Warning: also remember that (in Maven layout project) application.yml need to be copied to src/test/resources.

    Code example:

    public class MyRestController {
        private Environment env;
        private String envProperty;
        private String valueProperty;
        private void init() {
            this.envProperty = env.getProperty("myproperties.property_1");
        public String getMyData() {
            System.out.println("envProperty: " + this.envProperty);
            System.out.println("valueProperty: " + this.valueProperty);
            return "";
        public String getMyProblem() {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    @SpringBootTest(classes = MyApp.class)
    public class MyRestControllerTest {
        private MockMvc restMyRestControllerMockMvc;
        private WebApplicationContext context;
        public void setup() {
            final MyRestController myRestController = new MyRestController();
    //        this.restMyRestControllerMockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(myRestController)
    //                .build();
            this.restMyRestControllerMockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(context)
        public void getMyDataTest() throws Exception {
        public void getMyProblemTest() throws Exception {
    public class ControllerAdvicer {
        public String assertionException(final IllegalArgumentException e) {
            return "xxx";