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Sample from a custom likelihood function

I have the following likelihood function which I used in a rather complex model (in practice on a log scale):

    R. = (log(R) - log(x))/sd
    L. = (log(L) - log(x))/sd
    ll = pnorm(R.) - pnorm(L.)

df=mutate(df, Likelihood = dcustom(Range, sd,L,U))


In this function, the sd is predetermined and L and R are "observations" (very much like the endpoints of a uniform distribution), so all 3 of them are given. The above function provides a large likelihood (1) if the model estimate x (derived parameter) is in between the L-R range, a smooth likelihood decrease (between 0 and 1) near the bounds (of which the sharpness is dependent on the sd), and 0 if it is too much outside.

This function works very well to obtain estimates of x, but now I would like to do the inverse: draw a random x from the above function. If I would do this many times, I would generate a histogram that follows the shape of the curve plotted above.

The ultimate goal is to do this in C++, but I think it would be easier for me if I could first figure out how to do this in R.

There's some useful information online that helps me start (, but I'm still not entirely sure how to do it and how to code it.

I presume (not sure at all!) the steps are:

  1. transform likelihood function into probability distribution
  2. calculate the cumulative distribution function
  3. inverse transform sampling

Is this correct and if so, how do I code this? Thank you.


  • One idea might be to use the Metropolis Hasting Algorithm to obtain a sample from the distribution given all the other parameters and your likelihood.

    # metropolis hasting algorithm
     n_sample <- 100000
     posterior_sample <- rep(NA, n_sample)
     x <- 300 # starting value: I chose 300 based on your likelihood plot
     for (i in 1:n_sample){
         lik <- dcustom(x = x, sd = 0.1, L = 200, R =400)
         # propose a value for x (you can adjust the stepsize with the sd)
         x.proposed <-  x + rnorm(1, 0, sd = 20)
         lik.proposed <- dcustom(x = x.proposed, sd = 0.1, L = 200, R = 400)
         r <- lik.proposed/lik # this is the acceptance ratio
             # accept new value with probablity of ratio 
             if (runif(1) < r) {
             x <- x.proposed
         posterior_sample[i] <- x
     # plotting the density  
     approximate_distr <- na.omit(posterior_sample) 
     d <- density(approximate_distr)
     plot(d, main = "Sample from distribution")

    enter image description here

    # If you now want to sample just a few values (for example, 5) you could use 
    #[1] 281.7310 371.2317 378.0504 342.5199 412.3302