I am using Ionic 2 Cordova Plugin File to save some files in a Ionic Hybrid app. I would like to store them in directories, which, if not already existing, I try to create with:
this.file.createDir(this.getPathWithoutLast(absolutePath), this.getLastPathString(absolutePath), true);
My absolute path looks like this:
I get the error {"code":1,"message":"NOT_FOUND_ERR"}.
After some testing, I think that the method cannot create directories recursively, so I implemented my own method for creating them one after the other.
However, this seems like something that more people need so I would like to ask if there really is no such option in the Plugin and if not, whether there is a reason I did not think of.
Thanks everyone for their time! Pavol
I am going to post my solution as well, just in case:
public async makeSureDirectoryExists(relDirPath: string): Promise<boolean> {
console.log(`making sure rel Path: ${relDirPath}`);
const absolutePath = this.file.dataDirectory + relDirPath;
console.log(`making sure abs Path: ${absolutePath}`);
const pathParts = relDirPath.split('/');
const doesWholePathExist: boolean = await this.doesExist(absolutePath);
if (doesWholePathExist) {
return true;
let currentPath = this.file.dataDirectory;
while (pathParts.length > 0) {
const currentDir = pathParts.shift();
const doesExist: boolean = await this.doesExist(currentPath + currentDir);
if (!doesExist) {
console.log(`creating: currentPath: ${currentPath} currentDir: ${currentDir}`);
const dirEntry: DirectoryEntry = await this.file.createDir(currentPath, currentDir, false);
if (!dirEntry) {
console.error('not created!');
return false;
currentPath = currentPath + currentDir + '/';
return true;