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Eclipse with ADT instead of Android Studio

I have the following problem, Google had stopped the support for ADT and Eclipse and recommends to use Android Studio. I try this option but Android Studio needs too much resources so my computer hangs up.

Despite the recommendations, I have tried to install the ADT plugin with eclipse and an unsupported version of the Android SDK. But if I tried to build a project I got errors like "error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'"

I found out that installing the Android Support Library solves this error but there is no package provided by my version of the Android SDK. Also after hours I haven't succeeded to run/build an Android application with eclipse and ADT!

Finally, my question: Is it still possible to develop Android Apps with eclipse (or any other IDE than Android Studio) with official Google support?


  • I wouldn't use the legacy plugin. I know, google is very strict in their marketingplans, but if you get this working its only a temporal solutions for only a few release versions. Intellij is a very good ide in my opinion. When google starts first level support for such a powerful environment, i would recommend to spend some money in new hardware. Especially when its for free.