I am using Parallel function from joblib package in Python. I would like to use this function only for handle one of my functions but unfortunately the whole code is running in parallel (apart from other functions).
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
print ('I do not want this to be printed n times')
def do_something(arg):
some calculations(arg)
Parallel(n_jobs=5)(delayed(do_something)(i) for i in range(0, n))
This is a common error to miss a design direction from documentation. Many users meet this very same piece of experience.
Documentation is quite clear about not placing any code but def
-s before a __main__
If not doing so, errors indeed spray out and things turn wreck havoc, but still, an explicit advice to re-read the documentation is still present there, leaking infinitely over the screen:
[joblib] Attempting to do parallel computing
without protecting your import on a system that does not support forking.
To use parallel-computing in a script, you must protect your main loop
using "if __name__ == '__main__'".
Please see the joblib documentation on Parallel for more information
Having properly done the first issue, reported w.r.t. the fused import
protection, things will get better:
C:\Python27.anaconda>python joblib_example.py
I do not want this to be printed n-times...
I do not want this to be printed n-times...
I do not want this to be printed n-times...
I do not want this to be printed n-times...
I do not want this to be printed n-times...
I do not want this to be printed n-times...
next a final touch and you are done:
from sklearn.externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed
def do_some_thing( arg ):
return True
if __name__ == '__main__': #################################### A __main__ FUSE:
pass; n = 6
print "I do not want this to be printed n-times..."
Parallel( n_jobs = 5 ) ( delayed( do_some_thing )( i )
for i in range( 0, n )
C:\Python27.anaconda>python joblib_example.py
I do not want this to be printed n-times...