I am working on updating a Confluence page via python and the Confluence API.
I have found a function to write the data to the my page, unfortunately it creates a new page with my data and the old page becomes an archived version.
I have been searching the reference material and cannot see the reason I am getting a new page instead of appending the data to the end of the page. The only solution I can think of is to copy the body and append the new data to it, then create the new page ... but I am thinking there should be a way to append.
The write function code I found / am leveraging is as follows :
def write_data(auth, html, pageid, title = None):
info = get_page_info(auth, pageid)
print ("after get page info")
ver = int(info['version']['number']) + 1
ancestors = get_page_ancestors(auth, pageid)
anc = ancestors[-1]
del anc['_links']
del anc['_expandable']
del anc['extensions']
if title is not None:
info['title'] = title
data = {
'id' : str(pageid),
'type' : 'page',
'title' : info['title'],
'version' : {'number' : ver},
'ancestors' : [anc],
'body' : {
'storage' :
'representation' : 'storage',
'value' : str(html),
data = json.dumps(data)
pprint (data)
url = '{base}/{pageid}'.format(base = BASE_URL, pageid = pageid)
r = requests.put(
data = data,
auth = auth,
headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' }
I am starting to think copying / appending to the body is the option, but hope someone else has encountered this issue.
Not an elegant solution, but I went with the copy the old body and append option.
Basically, wrote a simple function to return the existing body :
def get_page_content(auth, pageid):
url = '{base}/{pageid}?expand=body.storage'.format(
base = BASE_URL,
pageid = pageid)
r = requests.get(url, auth = auth)
return (r.json()['body']['storage']['value'])
In this example, just appending (+=) a new string to the existing body.
def write_data(auth, html, pageid, title = None):
info = get_page_info(auth, pageid)
page_content = get_page_content(auth, pageid)
ver = int(info['version']['number']) + 1
ancestors = get_page_ancestors(auth, pageid)
anc = ancestors[-1]
del anc['_links']
del anc['_expandable']
del anc['extensions']
page_content += "\n\n"
page_content += html
if title is not None:
info['title'] = title
data = {
'id' : str(pageid),
'type' : 'page',
'title' : info['title'],
'version' : {'number' : ver},
'ancestors' : [anc],
'body' : {
'storage' :
'representation' : 'storage',
'value' : str(page_content),
data = json.dumps(data)
url = '{base}/{pageid}'.format(base = BASE_URL, pageid = pageid)
r = requests.put(
data = data,
auth = auth,
headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' }
print "Wrote '%s' version %d" % (info['title'], ver)
print "URL: %s%d" % (VIEW_URL, pageid)
Should note that as this is a post to a confluence body, the text being passed is html. '\n' for newline does not work, you need to pass '<br \>' etc ...
If anyone has a more elegant solution, would welcome the suggestions.