I know there is no easy answer to this question, but how do I cleanup a database with no relationships, foreign keys, and not a whole lot of structure?
I'm an amateur to SQL, and I've inherited a database that is complete mess. We have no sort of referential integrity, and there's not a whole lot of logic to how tables are working.
My database is all data that comes from a warehouse that builds servers. To give you an idea of the type of data I'm working with:
I have been prioritizing Raw output and EDI information, and generating reports with that information using SSRS. I have learned a lot about SQL Server and the BI Microsoft tools (SSIS and SSRS) in my short time doing this. However, I'm still an amateur and I want to build a solid database that flows well and can stand on its own.
It seems like a data warehouse model is the type of structure I should adapt. My question how do I take my mess of a database and make something more organized before I drown in data?
Since your end goal appears to be business reporting, and you're dealing with data from multiple sources made up from "isolated" tables, I would advise you to start by aggregating all that into a data model.
Personally, I would design a dimensional model to structure and store all that data, with the goal of being easy to understand (for reporting or adhoc querying). The model should be focused on business entities and their transactions. In a dimensional model, the business entities will (almost always) be the dimensions and the transactions (the metrics) will be the facts. For example, without knowing your model I'm guessing that the immediate entities would include Customer, Site, Part and transactions would include ServerSale, SiteVisit, PartPurchase, PartRepair, PartOrder, etc...
More information about dimensional modelling here and here, but I suggest going straight to the source: https://www.kimballgroup.com/data-warehouse-business-intelligence-resources/books/data-warehouse-dw-toolkit/
When your model is designed (and implemented in a database like SQL Server) you'll then be loading data into the model, by extracting it from its different source systems/databases and transforming it from the current structure into the structure defined by the model, namely by using an ETL tool like MS Integration Services. For example, your Customer data may be scattered across the "sales", "customer" and "site", so you want to aggregate all that data and load it into a single Customer dimension table. It's when doing this ETL that you should check your data for the problems you already mentioned, loading correct rows into you data model and discarding incorrect rows into a file/log where they can later be checked and corrected. (multiple ways to address this).
A straightforward tutorial to get started on doing ETL using SSIS can be found at https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj720568(v=sql.110).aspx
So, to sum up, you should build a data mart: