I want to install 5.12.3 in my Android app with Android Studio. I followed step 1 and 2 of the new relic guide line : Add New Relic to your build Set app permissions
Now when I go throw the 'Start the agent' step, I want to do :
In your default Activity import the NewRelic class. import com.newrelic.agent.android.NewRelic;
But I got a 'class not found' error on com.newrelic.agent.android.NewRelic
What do I miss ?
still stuck?, I just had the same problem with version 5.17.2, i apparently compiled the New-Relic gradle plugin:
in the project's dependencies insted of compiling the agent:
compile 'com.newrelic.agent.android:android-agent:5.+'
pay close attention to the New Relic's documentation or post your project's build.gradle file, i'll take a look.