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Error: Consistency violation: A model references a datastore which cannot be found

I am new to using SailsJS and also I am using mongodb for the database to connect. I tried using Robo 3T to make sure that my connection is valid and check that the models are in it. However, when I tried lifting using sails lift I encountered this error:

error: A hook (`orm`) failed to load!
error: Error: Consistency violation: A model (`calendar`) references a datastore which cannot be found (`warboard-test`).  If this
 model definition has an explicit `connection` property, check that it is spelled correctly.  If not, check your default `connecti
on` (usually located in `config/models.js`).  Finally, check that this connection (`warboard-test`) is valid as per http://sailsjs
    at validateModelDef (G:\projects\htdocs\warboard\node_modules\sails-hook-orm\lib\validate-model-def.js:110:11)
    at G:\projects\htdocs\warboard\node_modules\sails-hook-orm\lib\initialize.js:218:36
    at arrayEach (G:\projects\htdocs\warboard\node_modules\sails-hook-orm\node_modules\lodash\index.js:1289:13)
    at Function.<anonymous> (G:\projects\htdocs\warboard\node_modules\sails-hook-orm\node_modules\lodash\index.js:3345:13)
    at (G:\projects\htdocs\warboard\node_modules\sails-hook-orm\lib\initialize.js:216:11)
    at listener (G:\projects\htdocs\warboard\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:605:42)
    at G:\projects\htdocs\warboard\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:544:17
    at _arrayEach (G:\projects\htdocs\warboard\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:85:13)
    at Immediate.taskComplete [as _onImmediate] (G:\projects\htdocs\warboard\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:543:13)
    at runCallback (timers.js:789:20)
    at tryOnImmediate (timers.js:751:5)
    at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:722:5)

error: Could not load Sails app.
error: Tips:
error:   First, take a look at the error message above.
error:   Check that you're using the latest stable version of Sails.
error:   Have a question or need help?  (

I am pretty sure that I have a Calendar model and also it exists on my mongodb through GUI.

This is my config/connections.js:

module.exports.connections = {
localDiskDb: {
  adapter: 'sails-disk'
dbTest: {
    adapter: 'sails-mongo',
    url: 'mongodb://user:password@host:port/db?replicaSet=rs-ds117073',
    socketOptions: {
      keepAlive: 1000,
      connectTimeoutMS: 60000

My config/models.js:

module.exports.models = {
 connection: 'db-test',
 migrate: 'alter',
 migrations: true,
 version: 3

Sails: 1.0.0-46 Node: 8.9.4

Does anyone encounter this error?

Thanks in advance!


  • You have to change the line in config/models.js from:

    connection: 'db-test', // no match in connections.js


    connection: 'dbTest', // matches a key in connections.js

    Then it will match the key name you give in your config/connections.js file.