I am trying to implement a "workspace" feature into an Angular ngrx 4 webapp that allows the user to have multiple states of the same app which he can switch between through ui elements on the screen. How would I implement this on my reducer state?
Currently my rootReducer looks like this:
export const reducers: ActionReducerMap<State> = {
layout: fromLayout.layoutReducer,
properties: fromProperties.propertiesReducer,
grid: fromGrid.gridReducer
Now I would like to nest these so I can change the whole state by switching workspaces.
Say I would like to switch a workspace I can not add this workspaceReducer in any of the current reducers. It would have to be a parent to the current ActionReducerMap (at least I think so).
What is the best practice to implement something like this in ngrx. T
You can probably use a meta-reducer:
export function switchWorkspace( reducer ) {
return function newReducer( state, action ) {
if ( action.type === SWITCH_WORKSPACE ) {
state = getWorkspaceState(action.workspace);
const nextState = reducer(state, action);
return nextState;
And in your app module:
StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, {
metaReducers: [switchWorkspace]
For more info on meta-reducers, see https://netbasal.com/implementing-a-meta-reducer-in-ngrx-store-4379d7e1020a