I'm tying to execute things async with multiple go routines. I pass in the number of "threads" to use to process the files async. The files is an array of Strings to process.
queue := make(chan string)
threadCount := c.Int("threads")
if c.Int("threads") < len(files) {
threadCount = len(files)
log.Infof("Starting %i processes", c.Int("threads"))
for i := 0; i < threadCount; i++ {
go renderGoRoutine(queue)
for _, f := range files {
queue <- f
And the routine itself looks like this:
func renderGoRoutine(queue chan string) {
for file := range queue {
// do some heavy lifting stuff with the file
This does work fine whenever i use just one thread. As soon as i take more then one it does exit/leave the scope before it is done with all the go routines.
How do I make it process everything?
Previous question: Using a channel for dispatching tasks to go routine
Using WaitGroups is an option.
At the beginning, you add number tasks into WaitGroup and after each task is done decrement counter in the WaitGroup. Wait until all tasks are finished at the end of your code flow.
See the example: https://godoc.org/sync#WaitGroup
Your code will look like this:
queue := make(chan string)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
threadCount := c.Int("threads")
if c.Int("threads") < len(files) {
threadCount = len(files)
log.Infof("Starting %i processes", c.Int("threads"))
for i := 0; i < threadCount; i++ {
go renderGoRoutine(queue)
for _, f := range files {
queue <- f
func renderGoRoutine(queue chan string) {
for file := range queue {
// do some heavy lifting stuff with the file
// decrement the waitGroup counter