I am using more than one canActivateChild guards as shown below:
{path: 'admin', canActivateChild : [AdminAuthGuard, EmployeeAuthGuard], children: adminRoutes }
Below is definition of admin guard:
canActivateChild() : boolean {
const role = localStorage.getItem('role');
if(role === 'admin') {
return true;
else {
return false;
I have very similar employee guard where I am checking role as employee. The issue with above code is:
NOTE: My guards are synchronous still I am facing this issue. Please let me know how can I resolve it?
The actual code is much more complex than this. This is just a sample code to get help.
Create a combined guard off the 2 others guards that check both return values :
class CombinedGuard {
constructor(private adminGuard: AdminAuthGuard, private employeeGuard: EmployeeAuthGuard) {}
canActivate(r, s) {
// defined your order logic here, this is a simple AND
return this.adminGuard.canActivate(r, s) && this.employeeGuard.canActivate(r,s)
and then use that CombinedGuard in your routing :
{path: 'admin', canActivateChild : [CombinedGuard], children: adminRoutes }
Inspired by How to wait for guards in Angular