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Calling SignalR service from a BackgroundWorker in ABP

I have a BackgroundWorker which is supposed to broadcast something to all online clients in 5 seconds interval:


public class DeactivationBackgroundWorker : PeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase, ISingletonDependency
    private readonly IRepository<HitchRequest, long> _hitchRequestRepository;
    private readonly IHitchHub _hitchHub;

    public DeactivationBackgroundWorker(AbpTimer timer,
                                        IRepository<HitchRequest, long> hitchRequestRepository,
                                        IHitchHub hitchHub) : base(timer)
        _hitchRequestRepository = hitchRequestRepository;
        Timer.Period = 5000;
        _hitchHub = hitchHub;

    protected override async void DoWork()
        await broadcastHitchRequestsAsync();

    private async Task broadcastHitchRequestsAsync() {
        var activeHitchRequests = _hitchRequestRepository.GetAllList(p => p.IsActive);

        foreach (var hitchRequest in activeHitchRequests)
            await _hitchHub.RequestHitch(hitchRequest.Id);



public interface IHitchHub: ITransientDependency
    Task RequestHitch(long hitchId);


public class HitchHub : AbpCommonHub, IHitchHub
    private readonly IOnlineClientManager _onlineClientManager;

    public HitchHub(IOnlineClientManager onlineClientManager, IClientInfoProvider clientInfoProvider): base(onlineClientManager, clientInfoProvider)
        _onlineClientManager = onlineClientManager;

    public async Task RequestHitch(long hitchId)
        var onlineClients = _onlineClientManager.GetAllClients();
        foreach (var onlineClient in onlineClients) {

            var signalRClient = Clients.Client(onlineClient.ConnectionId);

            await signalRClient.SendAsync("receiveHitch", hitchId);

I do not know why the Clients in the HitchHub class is always null! Where should I initialize it?


  • Inject IHubContext<HitchHub> instead of IHitchHub.

    For example, see ABP's SignalRRealTimeNotifier.

    Related issue: