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Random mc in Animate CC using javascript HTML5

In a Animate CC Canvas project, I have several mc's in the library with these linkage names: card1, card2, card3... and want to put a random mc on stage using Javascript/HTML5 code.

var container, c, card; // basic stuff

function init() {
  c = createjs;
  container = new c.Container();

  var m = 1; // a random number
  card = new lib.this["card" + m](); // GIVES ERROR. This is AS3 style.
  //card = new lib.card1();  // WORKS FINE!
  card.x = 800;
  card.y = 250;

I get error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'card1' of undefined.

Any ideas, please? :)


  • card = new lib.this["card" + m](); // GIVES ERROR. This is AS3 style.  
    // card = new lib.card1();  // WORKS FINE!

    From this I have two points to clear:

    • This is because we do not use this keyword as a property of some object. We use it in the object's methods as a reference to it.

      var foo = { x: 1, y: 2 };
      console.log(foo.this);      // → undefined
      console.log(foo.this["x"]); // → Type Error
      var bar = { x: 1, y: 2, showX: function () { return this["x"] } }
      console.log(bar.showX());   // → 1

      But you can have a property named this:

      var foo { this: 1, that: 2 }
      console.log(foo.this);      // → 1

    • You can access an object's properties using the . notation or the [] notation, (no need for this) like so:

      var foo = { x: 1, y: 2 };
      console.log(foo.x);         // → 1
      console.log(foo["y"]);      // → 2

    So what you need to do is:

    card = new lib["card" + m]();

    The following is an example using divs. I tried to follow your code to keep it similar. The lib object has 4 constructors card1 to card4 as properties, each generating cards with a specific color.

    const createjs = {
        Container: function () {
          this.elt = document.createElement("div");
      Card = function () {
        this.elt = document.createElement("span");
      lib = {
        card1: function () {
          this.elt = new Card().elt;
 = "lightblue";
        card2: function () {
          this.elt = new Card().elt;
 = "gold";
        card3: function () {
          this.elt = new Card().elt;
 = "lightgreen";
        card4: function () {
          this.elt = new Card().elt;
 = "#f76";
    function init() {
      let container = new createjs.Container().elt;
      for (let m = 1; m < 5; m++) {
        let card = new lib["card" + m]().elt;
      = 80 + "px"; = 100 + "px";
    #stage {
      background: #e85;
      height: 500px;
      padding: 1px;
    .container {
      margin: 60px;
      background: #fff3;
    .card {
      display: inline-block;
      border-radius: 10px;
      width: 80px;
      height: 100px;
      margin: 1em;
    <div id="stage"></div>