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Domain coloring (color wheel) plots of complex functions in Octave (Matlab)

I understand that domain or color wheel plotting is typical for complex functions.

Incredibly, I can't find a million + returns on a web search to easily allow me to reproduce some piece of art as this one in Wikipedia:

enter image description here

There is this online resource that reproduces plots with zeros in black - not bad at all... However, I'd like to ask for some simple annotated code in Octave to produce color plots of functions of complex numbers.

Here is an example:

domain plotting of complex functions

I see here code to plot a complex function. However, it uses a different technique with the height representing the Re part of the image of the function, and the color representing the imaginary part:

Example of Matlab solution to visualize 4D data


  • Peter Kovesi has some fantastic color maps. He provides a MATLAB function, called colorcet, that we can use here to get the cyclic color map we need to represent the phase. Download this function before running the code below.

    Let's start with creating a complex-valued test function f, where the magnitude increases from the center, and the phase is equal to the angle around the center. Much like the example you show:

    % A test function
    [xx,yy] = meshgrid(-128:128,-128:128);
    z = xx + yy*1i;
    f = z;

    Next, we'll get its phase, convert it into an index into the colorcet C2 color map (which is cyclic), and finally reshape that back into the original function's shape. out here has 3 dimensions, the first two are the original dimensions, and the last one is RGB. imshow shows such a 3D matrix as a color image.

    % Create a color image according to phase
    cm = colorcet('C2');
    phase = floor((angle(f) + pi) * ((size(cm,1)-1e-6) / (2*pi))) + 1;
    out = cm(phase,:);
    out = reshape(out,[size(f),3]);

    The last part is to modulate the intensity of these colors using the magnitude of f. To make the discontinuities at powers of two, we take the base 2 logarithm, apply the modulo operation, and compute the power of two again. A simple multiplication with out decreases the intensity of the color where necessary:

    % Compute the intensity, with discontinuities for |f|=2^n
    magnitude = 0.5 * 2.^mod(log2(abs(f)),1);
    out = out .* magnitude;

    That last multiplication works in Octave and in the later versions of MATLAB. For older versions of MATLAB you need to use bsxfun instead:

    out = bsxfun(@times,out,magnitude);

    Finally, display using imshow:

    % Display

    output of code above

    Note that the colors here are more muted than in your example. The colorcet color maps are perceptually uniform. That means that the same change in angle leads to the same perceptual change in color. In the example you posted, for example yellow is a very narrow, bright band. Such a band leads to false highlighting of certain features in the function, which might not be relevant at all. Perceptually uniform color maps are very important for proper interpretation of the data. Note also that this particular color map has easily-named colors (purple, blue, green, yellow) in the four cardinal directions. A purely real value is green (positive) or purple (negative), and a purely imaginary value is blue (positive) or yellow (negative).