I am using Stack Navigator for navigating between screens. I have a Info screen which can be accessed from two other different screens in my app. Depending from which screen I have tried to access my Info panel, different text should be displayed on it. How can I check which was the screen before the current one(the info screen)?
I tried playing with this.props.navigation.state.routeName
. However, it would only return the name of the current panel, not the one before. Is there any way I can check the previous one or at least get its' name?
You can pass the name of the screen in params
from which you're navigating to info
let { routeName } = this.props.navigation.state;
this.props.navigation.navigate('info', {
lastScreen: routeName
and get the name of prev. screen in info
screen like so
const { lastScreen } = this.props.navigation.state.params;
I hope it helps.
Read more about Passing parameters to routes