I'm trying to connect my Azure Web App to an Existing VPN.
To connect to this VPN I must give to the admin some configurations, but I'm not sure of HOW can I provide them from Windows Azure.
As far as I have understand is all about creating the Virtual Network and the "connect it".
In my specific case, for the configuration, are required a lot of parameter that I don't know how / where to find:
In the docs there is a link to Check Point NGX and Microtik so I check out this tutorial:
But how can I get this parameter to perform the connection? Do I need to install extra software on my WebApp? How can I include my web app in the VPN?
And, is there any simplify way for Web App that does not include creating the whole infrastructure?
Thanks in advance
As EvilSnobu said, you can use Hybrid connections to connect your Azure APP service and your on-premises.
Hybrid Connections can be used to access application resources in other networks.
My understanding is that you have Azure Web App and you need to connect to an on-premises network via VPN?
You are right, the Hybrid connection feature requires a relay agent in the network that hosts your Hybrid Connection endpoint.
You should download and install Hybrid connection manager (HCM) on your local machine and use it to connect to that app service.