I am having a problem with my c# code I can't seem to get my if statement to work I think it is trying to reference the wrong part of code for some reason. I have checked that I have all the right references in and all the right uses in. I have pasted the offending code bellow:
FolderBrowserDialog dlg2 = new FolderBrowserDialog();
if (dlg2.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
//do whatever with dlg.SelectedPath
string searchPattern = "*";
DirectoryInfo source = new DirectoryInfo(dlg.SelectedPath);
DirectoryInfo target = new DirectoryInfo(dlg2.SelectedPath);
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(dlg.SelectedPath);
FileInfo[] fi = dir.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
if (fi.LastWriteTime.Date == DateTime.Today.Date)
FileInfo[] sourceFiles = source.GetFiles(searchPattern, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
for (int i = 0; i < sourceFiles.Length; ++i)
File.Copy(sourceFiles[i].FullName, target.FullName + "\\" + sourceFiles[i].Name, true);
any help that could be given would be gratefully appreciated thanks.
What you want to do is probably this?
FileInfo[] fis = dir.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
foreach (FileInfo fi in fis)
if (fi.LastWriteTime.Date == DateTime.Today.Date)
FileInfo[] sourceFiles = source.GetFiles(searchPattern, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
for (int i = 0; i < sourceFiles.Length; ++i)
File.Copy(sourceFiles[i].FullName, target.FullName + "\\" + sourceFiles[i].Name, true);