I'm quite new to pygame and came across a bug that i just can't fix on my own. I'm trying to program a Flappy Bird game. The Problem is that the collision detection works, but it also messes with my sprites. If i manage to get past the first obstacle while playing, then the gap resets itself randomly. But the gap should always be the same, just on another position. If i remove the collision detection, it works perfectly fine. Any ideas?
import pygame
import random
randomy = random.randint(-150, 150)
class Bird(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self):
self.image = pygame.Surface((25,25))
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.center = (100, 200)
self.velocity = 0.05
self.acceleration =0.4
def update(self):
self.rect.y += self.velocity
self.velocity += self.acceleration
if self.rect.bottom > 590:
self.velocity = 0
self.acceleration = 0
class Pipe1(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self):
self.image = pygame.Surface((85, 500))
self.image.fill((255, 255, 255))
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.center = (500, randomy)
self.randomyupdate = random.randint(-150, 150)
def update(self):
self.rect.x -= 2
if self.rect.x < -90:
self.randomyupdate = random.randint(-150, 150)
self.rect.center = (450, self.randomyupdate)
class Pipe2(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self):
self.image = pygame.Surface((85, 500))
self.image.fill((255, 255, 255))
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.center = (500, (randomy +640))
def update(self):
self.rect.x -= 2
self.randomyupdate = Pipe1.randomyupdate
if self.rect.x < -90:
self.rect.center = (450, (self.randomyupdate + 640))
pygame.key.set_repeat(1, 30)
pygame.display.set_caption('Crappy Bird')
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
Bird_sprite = pygame.sprite.Group()
Pipe_sprite = pygame.sprite.Group()
Bird = Bird()
Pipe1 = Pipe1()
Pipe2 = Pipe2 ()
def main():
running = True
while running:
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400,600))
The line im talking about:
collide = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(Bird, Pipe_sprite)
if collide:
running = False
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
Bird.rect.y -= 85
Bird.velocity = 0.05
Bird.acceleration = 0.4
Bird.rect.y += Bird.velocity
Bird.velocity += Bird.acceleration
if __name__ == '__main__':
This has nothing to do with the collision detection, it has to do with the order of the sprites in the sprite group which can vary because sprite groups use dictionaries internally which are unordered (in Python versions < 3.6). So if the Pipe1
sprite comes first in the group, the game will work correctly, but if the Pipe2
sprite comes first, then its update
method is also called first and the previous randomyupdate
of Pipe1 is used to set the new centery coordinate of the sprite.
To fix this you could either turn the sprite group into an ordered group, e.g.
Pipe_sprite = pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates()
or update the rect of Pipe2
each frame,
def update(self):
self.rect.x -= 2
self.rect.centery = Pipe1.randomyupdate + 640
if self.rect.x < -90:
self.rect.center = (450, Pipe1.randomyupdate + 640)
Also, remove the global randomy
variable and always use the randomyupdate
attribute of Pipe1