I need to format a range of cells in Sheet1
according to values in Sheet2
. Explicitly, Cell Sheet1!B2
must be formatting according to value in Sheet2!B2
, Sheet1!C10
according to Sheet2!C10
and so on...
This Conditional formatting formula works just fine:
=INDIRECT("Sheet2!B2:B")>100 (works fine, cell-by-cell)
But when I expand the range to something like the below, it formats nothing anywhere... It doesn't work:
=INDIRECT("Sheet2!B2:C")>100 (does nothing in either column B or C)
When I try the below it formats "by line", Sheet1!B2:C2
, Sheet1!B10:C10
, etc for instance:
I need formatting "by cell", for example Sheet1!B2
, Sheet1!C10
, and so on.
Slightly temperamental but please try clearing formatting from and selecting ColumnsA:F (or to suit, but whole columns for simplicity) and Format, Conditional formatting..., Format cells if... Custom formula is and:
Then select formatting of choice and Done.