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R: How can I use the package Rcrawler to do JSON parsing in parallel?

I just came across this powerful R package but unfortunately haven't been able to find out how to parse a list of urls in parallel where the response is in JSON.

As a simple example, suppose I have a list of cities (in Switzerland):

list_cities <- c("Winterthur", "Bern", "Basel", "Lausanne", "Lugano")

In a next step I'd like to find public transport connections to the city of Zurich for each of the listed cities. I can use the following transport api to query public timetable data:

Using the httr package, I can make a request for each city as follows:

for (city in list_cities) {
   r <- GET(paste0("", city, "&to=Zurich&limit=1&fields[]=connections/duration"))
   cont <- content(r, as = "parsed", type = "application/json", encoding = "UTF-8")

to get the duration of the individual journeys. However, I have a much longer list and more destinations. That's why I am looking for a way to make multiple requests in parallel.


  • Note I did not test this - but first, you would initialize your parallel workers

    cl <- makeCluster(detectCores() - 1)
    clusterEvalQ(cl, { library(Rcrawler) }) # load required packages onto each parallel worker

    Make function with your relevant commands

    custom_parse_json <- function(city) {
        r <- GET(paste0("", city, "&to=Zurich&limit=1&fields[]=connections/duration"))
        cont <- content(r, as = "parsed", type = "application/json", encoding = "UTF-8")

    Export function to each parallel work

    clusterExport(cl, c("custom_parse_json"))

    Loop through list of cities

    parLapply(cl, list_cities, function(i) custom_parse_json(i))

    This should return a list of your JSON content.