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create interval with for loop

we can use cut to create interval data further to be label, also by utilize for loop

enter image description here

cut function

perform_vec <- perform[["Performance"]]
perf_labs <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)
perfcut <- cut(perform_vec,breaks = c(0,25,49.99,69.99,84.99,94.99,101),right = F, labels = perf_labs)
perfcut_df <-, perfcut))
perfcut_df$perfcut <- factor(perfcut_df$perfcut, levels = c(1,2,3,4,5,6), labels = c("D","C","B-","B","A-","A"))

resulting in the following:

enter image description here

i want to create it with for loop


  • In solution #1 we count, in a loop, how many breaks each input value exceeds and then use that to index into labels. Solution #2 does the same but using outer rather than a loop. Solution #3 uses cut.

    # input
    x <- c(30, 50, 80)
    breaks <- c(0,25,49.99,69.99,84.99,94.99,101)
    labels <- c("D","C","B-","B","A-","A")
    # solutions
    # 1 - loop
    lev <- 0 * x
    for (b in breaks) lev <- lev + (x > b)
    factor(labels[lev], levels = labels)
    ## [1] C  B- B 
    ## Levels: D C B- B A- A
    # 2 - outer
    factor(labels[rowSums(outer(x, breaks, `>`))], levels = labels)
    ## [1] C  B- B 
    ## Levels: D C B- B A- A
    # 3 - cut
    cut(x, breaks, labels)
    ## [1] C  B- B 
    ## Levels: D C B- B A- A