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ionic 3 typescript : passing object between pages by value

I'm working on an Ionic 3 Application and I have a page which list items if we click on an item it goes to page item update

The page item update contains an update button, but when I updated some input and I return back without clicking on the update button, I found the item already updated

So I think that the problem was that I'm passing the item by reference:


items page template (item = recipe here) : recipes.html

  <button ion-item *ngFor="let recipe of recipes" [navPush]="recipePage" [navParams]="recipe">

item details page component: recipe.ts


      this.recipe = ;


Question how can I pass the recipe with value and not with reference please ?


  • As kriss said you should create a deep copy of your object. Something like this:

      ionViewDidLoad() {
        this.originalRecipe = ;
        this.recipe =  Object.assign({}, this.originalRecipe);
        this.originalRecipe = this.recipe;