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NameError: name 'QRCreator' is not defined using myqr and easygui in Python3

I am using easygui and myqr in python to make an easy way to make cool looking qr codes, The code i am using is from the Linux Format magazine. All the code works until the last line.
import easygui as eg
from MyQR import myqr

def QrCreator(URL, image, save):         

version, level, qr_name =

version = 1,
level = 'H',
picture= image,
colorized = True,
contrast = 1.0,
brightness = 1.0,
save_name = save,

URL = eg.enterbox(msg = "Please provide the URL for the QR code", title "Specify URL for QR code")

image = eg.fileopenbox(msg = "What image shall I use with the QR code?", title = "Open Image", default="/Desktop/QRCodes")

save = eg.filesavebox(msg = "Save QR code as ?", default="/Desktop/QRCodes")

eg.msgbox(msg="Your QR code has been saved!", title = "Save Complete")

QRCreator(URL, image, save)

The error comes up at the last line of code

QRCreator(URL, image, save)

The error looks like this in IDLE3

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/nyle/", line 30, in <module>
    QRCreator(URL, image, save)
NameError: name 'QRCreator' is not defined


  • Change def QrCreator(URL, image, save): to def QRCreator(URL, image, save):