I have this R app that I use to display and modify at the same time a table, using rHandsontable. It is hosted on a Ubuntu virtual machine. Problem is, when I run the code on my computer, everything works just fine. However, when it is ran on my virtual machine (Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-135-generic x86_64)), it crashes when I try to save it. I get the following error :
The application unexpectedly exited.
Diagnostic information has been dumped to the JavaScript error console.
When I look inside the logs, I see this :
Loading required package: xlsxjars
Listening on
Warning in file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) :
cannot open file 'listes/liste_traiteur.csv': Permission denied
Warning: Error in file: cannot open the connection
Stack trace (innermost first):
62: file
61: write.table
60: eval
59: eval
58: eval.parent
57: write.csv
56: observerFunc [/srv/shiny-server/app.R#187]
1: runApp
Here is the code :
# before UI and server
filename <- as.character("liste_traiteur")
file <- paste0(filename, ".csv")
liste_menu <- read.csv(file = file, header = TRUE, sep = ",")
fname <- file # R object data frame stored as ASCII text
values <- list()
setHot <- function(x) values[["hot"]] <<- x
# inside the server
input$saveBtn # update csv file each time the button is pressed
if (!is.null(values[["hot"]])) { # if there's a table input
write.csv(values[["hot"]], fname) # overwrite the temporary database file
write.csv(x = values[["hot"]], file = fname, row.names = FALSE) # overwrite the csv
liste_menu <- read.csv(file = fname, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
output$hot <- renderRHandsontable({
if (!is.null(input$hot)) { # if there is an rhot user input...
DF <- hot_to_r(input$hot) # convert rhandsontable data to R object and store in data frame
setHot(DF) # set the rhandsontable values
} else {
DF <- read.csv(file = fname, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # else pull table from the csv (default)
setHot(DF) # set the rhandsontable values
rhandsontable(DF) %>% # actual rhandsontable object
hot_table(highlightCol = TRUE, highlightRow = TRUE, readOnly = FALSE) %>%
hot_col("Item", readOnly = FALSE) %>%
hot_col("Prix", readOnly = FALSE)
fname is the file we're reading then overwriting when the user modifies it using the displayed rhandsontable object. It is displayed like this in the UI :
tabPanel("Liste de prix",
id = "modification",
actionButton("saveBtn", "Enregistrer", icon = icon("floppy-o")))
id = "modif_reussie",
h3("La modification a été effectuée avec succès."),
actionLink("autre_modif", "Revenir à la page")
The error happens when the actionButton "saveBtn" is actioned. The code from the interactive table is originally from :
Can someone help? This is really weird since another part of my app actually reads and write .csv perfectly - both on my computer and on the VM. However it does so with basic R functions and not rHandsontable. So I'm not quite understanding what's happening here.
Your shiny server doesn't have rights to save files to your desired folder. Something like this might help:
sudo chown shiny:shiny /var/shiny-server/myfolder