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Implementing a request URL into an imported cocapod that uses WordNik API

I'm making a swift app in Xcode that makes use of a cocapod called HNKWordLookup (originally written in objective c). This pod uses the WordNik API to return a random word. My only issue is that a lot of the words that are returned are quite obscure.

I figured that I could go to the page and set parameters there, and then be given a Request URL that caters to these parameters . I assume I need to put this into my code somewhere in place of another URL that is present within the pre written pod, but I have no clue where to put the request URL. At first I put it in place in the following line of code which was located in the pod's .m file ("HNKLookup.m:):

 static NSString *const kHNKLookupBaseUrl = @"";

changing it to

static NSString *const kHNKLookupBaseUrl = @"";

but this broke my code. Is there a certain phrase or area that I should be looking out for within the pod where I can put my new request URL in and thus run my program with my desired parameters? As you can tell I'm pretty new to programming.


  • You should not change kHNKLookupBaseUrl in pod. kHNKLookupBaseUrl is used to connect to the service. Use this to get a random word:

        [[HNKLookup sharedInstance] randomWordWithCompletion:^(NSString *randomWord, NSError *error) {
        if (error) {
            NSLog(@"ERROR: %@", error);
        } else {
            NSLog(@"%@", randomWord);

    You have the parameters initialised in HNKHttpSessionManager.m

    + (NSUInteger)randomWordWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSURLSessionDataTask *, id,
                                                     NSError *))completion
          [self startRequestWithPath:kHNKPathRandomWord
                            @"hasDictionaryDef" :
                            @"minCorpusCount" : @(kHNKRandomWordMinimumCorpusCount),
                            @"maxCorpusCount" : @(kHNKRandomWordMaximumCorpusCount),
                            @"minDictionaryCount" :
                            @"maxDictionaryCount" :
                            @"minLength" : @(kHNKRandomWordMinimumLength),
                            @"maxLength" : @(kHNKRandomWordMaximumLength)

    You can tweak this to get desired result.