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Finding guid in onenote onetoc2 binary file

According to the documentation provided by Microsoft the header structure of the oncetoc2 must be at the beginning of the file and must have the value


Characters Stripped


Looking through the file with a hex editor I am unable to find a match for this string, nor can I find it after stripping all the characters and flipping the string. (Endianess?)


Then I attempted to find a match with the hex equivalents of the string, 7b34334646324641312d454644392d344337362d394545322d3130454135373232373635467d

This can not be right, as it is much over 16 bytes.

I have been staring at this for a while and can't see what I am missing here. Not finding a pattern match with search tools.

What am I not doing right ?

OneNote onteoc2 file structure:


  • Interesting question.
    I just had a look at the doc, being completely perplexed by it last time.
    Here's what seems to be going on.
    The first 16 bytes of the file
    A1 2F FF 43 D9 EF 76 4C 9E E2 10 EA 57 22 76 5F
    Lets break it down like this
    A1 2F FF 43                    flip it 43 FF 2F A1
    D9 EF                               flip it EF D9
    76 4C                               flip it 4C 76
    9E E2                       dont flip it 9E E2
    10 EA 57 22 76 5F dont flip it 10 EA 57 22 76 5F
    And we get
    If you take bytes 48 to 63
    3F DD 9A 10 1B 91 F5 49 A5 D0 17 91 ED C8 AE D8
    And apply the same formula we get
    {109ADD3F-911B-49F5-A5D0-1791EDC8AED8} - guidFileFormat (16 bytes)
    I hope this helps.