If I'm typing a comment in gVim like this
// this is a comment
and I hit ENTER, it will automatically start the next line with //, so it looks like this:
// this is a comment
But usually I don't want to write more comments when using this commenting style. Can I stop gVim from automatically doing this, while still keeping the auto-completing of the /* .. */ commenting style?
Another answer from mine since you don't want to have this triggered for /*
… */
inoremap <expr> <enter> getline('.') =~ '^\s*//' ? '<enter><esc>S' : '<enter>'
For o
and O
nnoremap <expr> O getline('.') =~ '^\s*//' ? 'O<esc>S' : 'O'
nnoremap <expr> o getline('.') =~ '^\s*//' ? 'o<esc>S' : 'o'