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Converting an nested xAPI JSON output into PHP Array

    [0] => TinCan\Statement Object
            [id:protected] => 0a53e06c-64a7-4902-930e-993bb228cd49
            [stored:protected] => 2018-02-24T04:21:22.456Z
            [authority:protected] => TinCan\Agent Object
                    [objectType:protected] => Agent
                    [name:protected] => sabarish
                    [mbox:protected] => 
                    [mbox_sha1sum:protected] => 
                    [openid:protected] => 
                    [account:protected] => TinCan\AgentAccount Object
                            [name:protected] => 248a06f20aa62f
                            [homePage:protected] =>

        [version:protected] => 1.0.0
        [attachments:protected] => Array

        [actor:protected] => TinCan\Agent Object
                [objectType:protected] => Agent
                [name:protected] => Akshaya Manikandan
                [mbox:protected] => mailto:[email protected]
                [mbox_sha1sum:protected] => 
                [openid:protected] => 
                [account:protected] => 

        [verb:protected] => TinCan\Verb Object
                [id:protected] =>
                [display:protected] => TinCan\LanguageMap Object
                        [_map:protected] => Array
                                [en] => skipped



        [target:protected] => TinCan\Activity Object
                [objectType:TinCan\Activity:private] => Activity
                [id:protected] =>
                [definition:protected] => 

        [result:protected] => 
        [context:protected] => TinCan\Context Object
                [registration:protected] => 
                [instructor:protected] => 
                [team:protected] => 
                [contextActivities:protected] => TinCan\ContextActivities Object
                        [category:protected] => Array
                                [0] => TinCan\Activity Object
                                        [objectType:TinCan\Activity:private] => Activity
                                        [id:protected] =>
                                        [definition:protected] => TinCan\ActivityDefinition Object
                                                [type:protected] =>
                                                [name:protected] => TinCan\LanguageMap Object
                                                        [_map:protected] => Array


                                                [description:protected] => TinCan\LanguageMap Object
                                                        [_map:protected] => Array


                                                [moreInfo:protected] => 
                                                [extensions:protected] => TinCan\Extensions Object
                                                        [_map:protected] => Array


                                                [interactionType:protected] => 
                                                [correctResponsesPattern:protected] => 
                                                [choices:protected] => 
                                                [scale:protected] => 
                                                [source:protected] => 
                                                [target:protected] => 
                                                [steps:protected] => 



                        [parent:protected] => Array

                        [grouping:protected] => Array

                        [other:protected] => Array


                [revision:protected] => 
                [platform:protected] => 
                [language:protected] => 
                [statement:protected] => 
                [extensions:protected] => TinCan\Extensions Object
                        [_map:protected] => Array



        [timestamp:protected] => 2018-02-24T04:21:22.456Z

... + 100 more like these.

I get this output after running my php code to retrive all information from the LRS. How to change this into PHP ARRAY?


  • You need to learn how to use their API documentation, There is no simple "get all the data" that I can see because everything is wrapped in a class with private/protected properties....

    Using your provided sample, here is an example of how to "get the actors"

    $Statements = getAllActivity()->content->getStatements();
    foreach( $Statements as $Statement )
      print_r( $Statement->getActor() );
      print_r( $Statement->getActor()->getName() );
      print_r( $Statement->getActor()->getMbox() );

    Review the script \src\StatementBase.php, this is where I found the getAcator() method