Search code examples

Gas required exceeds limit: 3000000.

pragma solidity ^0.4.16;

contract createNewToken {
    uint256 total_ether_to_send;
    address private owner;

    function createNewToken() public{
        owner = msg.sender;

    // client request for tokens by sending ether.
    function requestForToken() public payable{
        address sender = msg.sender;
        uint value = msg.value;
        total_ether_to_send = value;
        require(sender.balance >= total_ether_to_send);

        total_ether_to_send = value / 2;
        require(owner.balance >= total_ether_to_send);

I have written this code in solidity in Remix IDE. The contract was successfully created but when I used it, it gave me an error saying "Gas required exceeds limit: 3000000. An important gas estimation might also be the sign of a problem in the contract code. Please check loops and be sure you did not sent value to a non payable function". I don't have much code written but its still gave me this error. Can anyone help?


  • First, your msg.value is already sent to your method, hence you don't need to check senders balance: require(sender.balance >= total_ether_to_send);.

    Second, you don't have a fallback function in your contract to receive ether.

    Third, you are trying to send 100% msg.value to owner and then send 50% of msg.value back to sender. Obviously you cannot spend 150% of msg.value without any additional funds on your contract. Here is example of working code:

    function requestForToken() public payable{
        address sender = msg.sender;
        uint value = msg.value;
        total_ether_to_send = value / 2;
        require(this.balance >= total_ether_to_send);
        require(this.balance >= total_ether_to_send);
    function() payable {}