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print many2many fields on qweb-report

I would like to know how I can print in a report qweb a whole field many2many, similar to what happens in the quotes, invoices of the sales module.

Or if it is possible to print them separately in the report

sales quotation

cie10_app model

from odoo import models, api, fields
class Cie10Db(models.Model):
  _name = 'cie10.list'
  _rec_name = 'detalleCie'
  codCie = fields.Char('Codigo Cie10')
  detalleCie = fields.Char('Detalle Diagnostico')


from odoo import models, fields
class DiagRec(models.Model):
     _name = 'info.cie10'
     ob_cie10 = fields.Many2one('cie10.list',string='Dx (CIE 10)')
     ob_codCie10 = fields.Char(related='ob_cie10.codCie')
     ob_observaciones = fields.Char('Observaciones')


from odoo import models, fields, api
class InfMed(models.Model):
    dx1 = fields.Many2many('info.cie10')

I need to print the whole field many2many in the report qweb


<span t-field="o.tratRec1"/>

enter image description here

but I only get this

enter image description here


  • You need to use for loop to print many2many field value.

    Try with following code:

    <tr t-foreach="o.many2many_field" t-as="l">
           <span t-field=""/>