I'm a newbie to DevExpress controls.
I've a boolean column(called "Valid") that is being shown in a DevExrpress GridContol in my C#/WPF application.
When I click on the "key" icon on this column header,I see a dropdown with 4 choices namely: (Blanks),(Non Blanks), (Checked) and (Un Checked).
I dont want this dropdown to show (Blanks) and (Non Blanks) choices.Only (Checked) and (Un Checked) choices should appear.
Wondering if this is achievable at all?
Use the CustomFilterPopupItems event to remove Blanks and Non Blanks option from the filter.
private void pivotGridControl1_CustomFilterPopupItems(object sender, DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid.PivotCustomFilterPopupItemsEventArgs e) {
e.ShowBlanksItem.IsVisible = false;