I am trying to use the following code to apply function to each of the rows in a particular column of H2O frame, but getting error.
df["decision"] = df["resp_cd"].apply(lambda x:1 if x in ["00", 01", "11] else 0, axis=1)
Is there some other way to use user defined functions in H2O?
How should we use apply
function in H2O? I expect it to be similar to apply
function in Pandas but that doesn't seem to be true.
Totally reasonable question. In your case you should actually use the .ifelse() method instead of the apply method, H2O’s apply method is limited to a set of implemented math functions which can be used in a limited way in a lambda style function as well (note your error is just saying you are trying to use apply with an unimplimented method):
The following may solve your problem but you may need to play around with it:
(Statement you want to test).ifelse(return if true,return if false).
You may need to change your column type to string or enum type with df[‘resp_cd’].ascharacter() or df[‘resp_cd’].asfactor() to get the code example above to work for you, but now you have a sense of how to apply a Boolean if else function to an H2OFrame.