I've been trying to make this work for a while now but I can't figure what's wrong.
The function needs to return a table based on the input date. If the input year is not available in the database, the function needs to return the data for all the years, otherwise, it needs to return the data only for the specified year.
Maybe someone here can help. I'm using the 2014 AdventureWorks Database.
CREATE FUNCTION DBO.udf_fonction(@year INT)
IF @year IN (SELECT DISTINCT(YEAR(OrderDate)) AS Years
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader)
SELECT YEAR(A.OrderDate) AS SalesYear,
C.Name AS SalesTerritory,
D.Name AS SalesCountryName,
WHEN 1 THEN 'Online'
WHEN 0 THEN 'In-store'
END AS SalesType,
SUM(A.SubTotal) AS Montant
FROM sales.SalesOrderHeader A
INNER JOIN Sales.Customer B ON A.CustomerID = B.CustomerID
INNER JOIN Sales.SalesTerritory C ON B.TerritoryID = C.TerritoryID
INNER JOIN Person.CountryRegion D ON C.CountryRegionCode = D.CountryRegionCode
WHERE YEAR(A.OrderDate) = @year
GROUP BY YEAR(A.OrderDate), C.Name, D.Name, CASE(A.OnlineOrderFlag)
WHEN 1 THEN 'Online'
WHEN 0 THEN 'In-store'
ELSE (SELECT YEAR(A.OrderDate) AS SalesYear,
C.Name AS SalesTerritory,
D.Name AS SalesCountryName,
WHEN 1 THEN 'Online'
WHEN 0 THEN 'In-store'
END AS SalesType,
SUM(A.SubTotal) AS Montant
FROM sales.SalesOrderHeader A
INNER JOIN Sales.Customer B ON A.CustomerID = B.CustomerID
INNER JOIN Sales.SalesTerritory C ON B.TerritoryID = C.TerritoryID
INNER JOIN Person.CountryRegion D ON C.CountryRegionCode = D.CountryRegionCode
GROUP BY YEAR(A.OrderDate), C.Name, D.Name, CASE(A.OnlineOrderFlag)
WHEN 1 THEN 'Online'
WHEN 0 THEN 'In-store'
WHERE YEAR(A.OrderDate) = @year
OR not exists (select 1 from sales.SalesOrderHeader where YEAR(OrderDate) = @year)
You are not returning a table anywhere