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Gensim Doc2Vec Access Vectors by Document Author

I have three documents in a df:

id    author    document
12X   john      the cat sat
12Y   jane      the dog ran
12Z   jane      the hippo ate

These documents are converted into a corpus of TaggedDocuments with the tags being the typical practice of semantically meaningless ints:

def read_corpus(documents):
    for i, plot in enumerate(documents):
        yield gensim.models.doc2vec.TaggedDocument(gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(plot, max_len=30), [i])

train_corpus = list(read_corpus(df.document))

This corpus is then used to train my Doc2Vec model:

model = gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec(vector_size=50, min_count=2, epochs=55)
model.train(train_corpus, total_examples=model.corpus_count, epochs=model.epochs)

The resulting vectors of the model are accessed like this:


How would I tie the original df to the resulting vectors? Now that all the documents are trained and vectors are identified for each one, I want to query the set of vectors by author. For example, if I want to return a set of vectors only for Jane, how would I do so?

I think the basic idea is to identify the int tags that correspond to Jane and then do something like this to access them:

from operator import itemgetter 
a = model.docvecs.vectors_docs
b = [1, 2]

How would I identify the tags though? They are only meaningful to the model and the tagged documents, so they don't join back to my original df.


  • I tried a simple example using Gensim. I think the approach here should work for you

    import gensim
    training_sentences = ['This is some document from Author {}'.format(i) for i in range(1,10)]
    def read_corpus():
        for i,line in enumerate(training_sentences):
            # lets use the tag to identify the document and author
            yield gensim.models.doc2vec.TaggedDocument(gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(line), ['Doc{}_Author{}'.format(i,i)])

    You could also directly prepare the training corpus from pandas_df like shown below

    data_df = pd.DataFrame({'doc':training_sentences,'doc_id':[i for i in range (1,10)],'author_id':[10+i for i in range (1,10)]})
    tagged_docs = data_df.apply(lambda x:gensim.models.doc2vec.TaggedDocument(gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(x.doc),['doc{}_auth{}'.format(x.doc_id,x.author_id)]),axis=1)
    training_corpus = tagged_docs.values
    >> array([ TaggedDocument(words=['this', 'is', 'some', 'document', 'from', 'author'], tags=['doc1_auth11']),
           TaggedDocument(words=['this', 'is', 'some', 'document', 'from', 'author'], tags=['doc2_auth12']),
    # training
    model = gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec(vector_size=50, min_count=2, epochs=55)
    train_corpus = list(read_corpus())
    model.train(train_corpus, total_examples=model.corpus_count, epochs=model.epochs)
    # indexing

    Now, to access the vector corresponding to document1 of author1, you could do

    array([  8.08026362e-03,   4.27437993e-03,  -7.73820514e-03,
            -7.40669528e-03,   6.36066869e-03,   4.03292105e-03,
             9.60215740e-03,  -4.26750770e-03,  -1.34797185e-03,
            -9.02472902e-03,   6.25275355e-03,  -2.49505695e-03,
             3.18572600e-03,   2.56929174e-03,  -4.17032139e-03,
            -2.33384431e-03,  -5.10744564e-03,  -5.29057207e-03,
             5.41675789e-03,   5.83767192e-03,  -5.91145828e-03,
             5.91885624e-03,  -1.00465110e-02,   8.32535885e-03,
             9.72494949e-03,  -7.35746371e-03,  -1.86231872e-03,
             8.94813929e-05,  -4.11528209e-03,  -9.72509012e-03,
            -6.52212929e-03,  -8.83922912e-03,   9.46981460e-03,
            -3.90578934e-04,   6.74136635e-03,  -5.24599617e-03,
             9.73031297e-03,  -8.77021812e-03,  -5.55411633e-03,
            -7.21857697e-03,  -4.50362219e-03,  -4.06361837e-03,
             2.57276138e-03,   1.76626759e-06,  -8.08755495e-03,
            -1.48400548e-03,  -5.26673114e-03,  -7.78301107e-03,
            -4.24248137e-04,  -7.99000356e-03], dtype=float32)

    yes this uses doc-author pair ordering, you could just use doc_id alone and maintain a separate index like {doc_id:author_id} in a python dict, if you want to filter by author then use {author_id : [docids,...]}