I am trying to implement unit test with boost test libraries. I started by reading the manual at the boost site. After this i make a simple test program in one of my already existing project. The only problem which i face is that i am unable to see the test result. I am sure that i am making some thing wrong :) but i am unable to figure that. Following are the details of my project
I am using visual studio8 for this: I have a solution named MyProject.sln
Along with other projects i have a project named MyDLL.vcproj (The type of this project is DLL)
Along with other files in MYDLL proj i add a new cpp file name MyTest.cpp, the file contains the following code:
//#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE MyTestTestModue //no need for this maro if above macro is used
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
I make following changes in MYDLL project property sheet
C++ -> General -> Additional Include Dependencies = D:\MyProject\Boost\boost\test
Linker -> General -> Additional Libray Directories = D:\MyProject\Boost\lib\win32\Debug
Linker -> System -> SubSystem = (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE)
I read all the compilation details given in the manual, but still unable to get the output. Ideally i want to use the Boost test as a standalone lib (Dynamic library varian of UTF).
I am sure that i am making some thing wrong :)
Actually, I think the problem is you are making something right.
Your test passes, because the value checked is true
, and by default Boost.Test only outputs information about tests that have failed. You need to set the log level, which can be done one of two ways: passing --log_level=all
as an option the the test executable, or setting the environment variable BOOST_TEST_LOG_LEVEL
to all
See this page of the documentation for all the run time parameters.
Edit: It's actually --log_level (with an underscore in the middle)