I have an Angular Dart page where I need to create a component on the screen for each item in a collection. The items are custom model objects:
class CohortDataSourceAssay{
String name;
String displayName;
bool selected;
List<String> platforms = new List<String>();
I have a parent page where I want to create a template for each element in a collection of the class above:
<data-source-assay *ngFor="let assay of dataSource.assays"></data-source-assay>
Here is the markup for the data-source-assay component:
<div class="dataSourceAssay">
<material-checkbox [(ngModel)]="assay.selected" (ngModelChange)="onCbxChange($event)">{{assay.displayName}}</material-checkbox>
<material-dropdown-select class="selectStyle"
This works insofar as it loads a block for each assay element in dataSource.assays, however the assay block does not appear to get the assay model object. It appears to be null. How do I pass it in?
You need to declare an @Input()
on your <data-source-assay>
component, through which you can pass the assay
class DataSourceAssayComponent {
// An input makes this property bindable in the template via []
// notation.
// Note: I'm not actually sure what the type of `assay` is in your
// example, so replace `Assay` with whatever the correct type is.
Assay assay;
Now in your template where you create this component, you can bind the assay
value to the input.
*ngFor="let assay of dataSource.assays"
Remember that the local values in a template are local to that template. Meaning the assay
you were declaring in your ngFor
isn't visible anywhere outside of that current template.