Pretence: This is a question regarding Defense4All which is a module for SDN technology OpenDaylight
I've installed Cassandra and Defense4All on my Ubuntu VM, but when I browse to http://:8086/controlapps I just receive a "Unable to Connect" message. I've tried this with my loopback and ethernet IP addresses, both of which give me the same message.
I've ran; service cassandra status and service defense4all status and both services are seemingly running fine (I've restarted them many times whilst debugging).
I'm at a bit of a loss as to why I don't seem to be able to reach the Web UI.
I've tried to go to the D4A CLI in an attempt see if I can spot anything incorrect by running these commands:
cd /usr/share/defense4all/bin
sudo ./controlapps
But I receive a "cant find required files for running controlapps. Verify /usr/share/defense4all installation".
Which kind of makes me think its an installation issue.
Installed software versions:
Any help is really appreciated, because I'm using Defense4All in my university final year project and I really need to get it up and running! Thanks.
I've actually manage to sort it. I can now reach the Web UI (http://:8086/controlapps). For information on my VM I'm running Java 7 and the latest Cassandra version.
To resolve the issue I did the below steps:
Hopefully this will help anyone who also has encountered these problems. Also you can verify if the services are started or encountered any errors using sudo service x status where x is the service name.