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catch error and emit different action when handling ngrx-effects

In the code snippet below, I want to emit a GetData action if the update operation was successful or a BackendError action if unsuccessful.

updateData$ = this.actions$.pipe(
  map((action: UpdateData) => action.payload),
  combineLatest(this.authService.getUser(), (myData, user) => this.dataService.updateData(myData, user)),
  map(() => new GetData()),
  catchError((err) => { of(new BackendError(err)))

The above code does not seem to be working. Even though the update operation fails due to permission error, the BackendError action is not emitted.

Any help is appreciated.


  • Your current implementation will swallow errors on the updateData operation, because the action$ (the outer observable) gets mapped to a new GetData() action, regardless of the result of the updateData operation (success or failure).

    In the implementation below, the catchError operator will runif the updateData operation (dataUpdate$ -- the inner observable) throws an error..

    updateData$ = this.actions$.pipe(
      mergeMap((action: UpdateData) => {
        const user$ = this.authService.getUser();
        const dataUpdate$ = user$.pipe(
          mergeMap(user => this.dataService.updateData(action.payload, user));
        return dataUpdate$.pipe(
          map(() => new GetData()),
          catchError(err => of(new BackendError(err)))

    Additional Resources

    1. Here's some more information on the difference between mergeMap and map.
    2. Official docs for mergeMap.
    3. Example of @Effect using this approach in the @ngrx/effects README.