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FCM topic cached on old token - users still getting pushes

Having a tricky problem. I have firebase messaging, recording tokens in the database (as prescribed). Then I'm running triggers to send to topics (using functions). I noticed a bug when unsubscribing from a topic (had a space in the name - since fixed) , so the user didn't get to unsubscribe properly. Ever since they are getting that topic. Just wondering if theres a way of deleting old tokens / expiring - then unsubscribing from all topics. Basically I'm looking to create a "reset" button of sorts incase this ever happens again.

I had the same issue on my profile. However my cure (and test) was to delete and recreate my profile. Not an ideal solution! Everything worked great again after that.


  • Basically I'm looking to create a "reset" button of sorts incase this ever happens again.

    Currently you cannot do that, topics are based on publish/subscribe model. Therefore the user who subscribes to a topic has to unsubscribe using his own phone to stop receiving notifications related to that topic.

    If you created a topic by accident and all users unsubscribe from it, then it is no longer a topic and no one will be able to subscribe to it or receive any notification related to it.