I have a table containing one column and 100 million rows of text. The text is simple 1 - 5 words sentences.
My goal is to have an ultra-fast query which could be used with an autocomplete. So the user types and I get results as fast as possible.
I tried many different indexes and the tsvector
If you want to match the complete text with a prefix, the SQL query would be
SELECT words FROM phrases WHERE words LIKE 'user input%';
A regular B-Tree index with the text_pattern_ops
operator class should do the trick.
If the phrases are too long to be indexed or you want to save space, index and query just a prefix:
CREATE INDEX ON phrases (substr(words, 1, 50) text_pattern_ops);
Then query with
SELECT words FROM phrases WHERE substr(words, 1, 50) LIKE 'user input%';