I have the following database, it's a simple relationship between an user and his receipts:
I need to get as many row as users and so many column as much receipt it have. For example:
If user 1 have 2 receipt I have to obtain:
IdUser Receipt 1 Receipt 2
1 12€ 13€
I tried with an inner joint between User and Receipt tables, but I have as many rows users as receipts they have.
SELECT user.idUser, receipt.value
FROM user INNER JOIN receipt ON user.IdUser = receipt.IdUser;
If you know the maximum number of the receipts you can get the result with the pivot query below:
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY receipt.IdUser ORDER BY receipt.IdUser ASC) AS RowId, user.IdUser, receipt.value
FROM user INNER JOIN receipt ON user.IdUser = receipt.IdUser
as s
FOR RowId IN ([1], [2], <max number of the receipts> )
)AS pvt
But if you don't know the max number of the items it is better to use dynamic pivot