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Setting table AutoFit via VBA gives different result than clicking UI button

I'm trying to set AutoFitBehavior of a Word table to fit both content and window - clicking 'AutoFit Contents' button, then 'AutoFit Window' gives the result I want to get. The problem is, when I do this using VBA, the formatting is different. Interestingly enough, when I run the macro Step By Step (F8) it gives expected result (same as UI).

Here's my code:

With ActiveDocument.Tables(2)
    .AllowAutoFit = True
    .AutoFitBehavior 1
    .AutoFitBehavior 2
End With

As you can see, it's pretty simple - I can't find any reason for it to work incorrectly.

Also I don't think the issue is related to using 'ActiveDocument' property, as in the full macro this code is executed directly on a newly created, named document, so I'm sure it's addressing a correct table in a correct file.

I am aware that I can set column widths with PreferredWidth property, but it would be much simpler to use AutoFit, as I don't always know what length will my data have.

Is there a way to make this method work as when called from UI?

Edit: As per Cindy Meister's request, I'm adding snippet from actual code I'm using:

Set wordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set wordDoc = wordApp.Documents.Add(strPath)

With wordDoc
    .Tables.Add Range:=wordDoc.Bookmarks("tableBookmark").Range, NumRows:=licenceRows, NumColumns:=3

    '[omitted: populating the table]

    With .Tables(2)
        .Range.Collapse Direction:=0
        .Range.InsertBreak Type:=7
        .AllowAutoFit = True
        .AutoFitBehavior 1
        .AutoFitBehavior 2
    End With
End With

It's called from an Excel macro I'm using to create a report file from template. I'm using Office 2013.

Also I've noticed another thing today: when I set wordApp.Visible = True, scroll to the table and literally look at the method working - it formats correctly. It's like Word application won't use this method correctly, until it has to show you every single step (as with step-by-step run).


  • Thanks to Cindy's answer and following comment I realised my mistake - I thought Auto Fit would make columns fit to any text, including text with line-breaking characters like spaces. Comes out it doesn't work that way.

    In the end, to format the table as I wanted (window-wide table, columns fit to content) I used the following code:

    'Table should fit the page and fit the contents
    Sub TestFormatTableStructure()
    Dim wordApp As Word.Application
    Dim wordDoc As Word.Document
    Dim tbl1 As Word.Table, tbl2 As Word.Table
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler
    Set wordApp = New Word.Application
    Set wordDoc = wordApp.Documents.Add
    wordApp.ScreenUpdating = False
    With wordDoc
        Set tbl1 = .Tables.Add(Range:=wordDoc.Paragraphs.Last.Range, _
                   NumRows:=6, NumColumns:=3, _
                   DefaultTableBehavior:=wdWord9TableBehavior, _
                   AutoFitBehavior:=wdAutoFitContent) 'autofit content
        With tbl1
            '[omitted: populating the table]
            .PreferredWidthType = wdPreferredWidthPercent
            .PreferredWidth = 100
        End With
        Set tbl2 = tbl1.Split(4)
        'dont have to set formatting again for second table, its inherited
        With tbl2
            '[do things]
        End With
    End With
        wordApp.Visible = True
        wordApp.ScreenUpdating = True
        Set tbl1 = Nothing
        Set tbl2 = Nothing
        Set rngtlb = Nothing
        Set wordDoc = Nothing
        Set wordApp = Nothing
    End Sub