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Why do I get no username/password dialog when using buddy-auth?

I'm using buddy-auth and following the tutorial, when I run the example application I get a HTTP auth username/password dialog as expected, but in my own app I just get the "Unauthorized" exception, no dialog appears.

;; fn needs to return a non-falsey value to indicate a positive authentication, the returned value is stored under the `:identity` key in the request.
(defn auth-user [request authdata]
  (let [username (:username authdata)
        password (:password authdata)]
     username)) ;; FIXME: lookup username/password

(def auth-backend (http-basic-backend {:realm "MyApp" :authfn auth-user}))

;; my endpoint handler
(defn test-handler [r]
  (if (authenticated? r)
    (render (str "LOGGED IN" (:identity r)))

;; ROUTES (compojure)
(defroutes app  
  (GET "/test" [] test-handler))

;; ring handler
(def site
  (-> (routes app)
      (wrap-authentication auth-backend) ;; <--- 

I don't think auth-user is ever called.


  • It seems I need (wrap-authorization auth-backend) too.

    (def site
      (-> (routes app)
          (wrap-authentication auth-backend)
          (wrap-authorization auth-backend)