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ItemTouchHelper : Limit swipe width of ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallBack on RecyclerView

I have successfully implemented swipe behavior and performed some actions with it. The problem now I have is I want to limit the swipe width when I swipe the item.

Currently this is what is happening

enter image description here

But I want to limit the swipe behaviour width till here

enter image description here

This is what I have done so far :-

private void swipeExample(){
        ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback simpleItemTouchCallback = new ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback(0, ItemTouchHelper.LEFT | ItemTouchHelper.RIGHT) {

            public boolean onMove(RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, RecyclerView.ViewHolder target) {
//                final int fromPos = viewHolder.getAdapterPosition();
//                final int toPos = target.getAdapterPosition();
                return false;

            public void onSwiped(final RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, int swipeDir) {

                // Show delete confirmation if swipped left
                if (swipeDir == ItemTouchHelper.LEFT) {

                    AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
                    builder.setMessage("Are you sure you want to delete?")
                            .setPositiveButton("Yes", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
//                                    getActivity().finish();
                            .setNegativeButton("No", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
                    AlertDialog alert = builder.create();

                } else if (swipeDir == ItemTouchHelper.RIGHT) {
                    // Show edit dialog

            public void onChildDraw(Canvas c, RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, float dX, float dY, int actionState, boolean isCurrentlyActive) {

                Bitmap icon;
                if (actionState == ItemTouchHelper.ACTION_STATE_SWIPE) {

                    View itemView = viewHolder.itemView;
                    float height = (float) itemView.getBottom() - (float) itemView.getTop();
                    float width = height / 3;

                    if (dX > 0) {
                        RectF background = new RectF((float) itemView.getLeft(), (float) itemView.getTop(), dX, (float) itemView.getBottom());
                        c.drawRect(background, p);
                        icon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ic_mode_edit_white_24dp);
                        RectF icon_dest = new RectF((float) itemView.getLeft() + width, (float) itemView.getTop() + width, (float) itemView.getLeft() + 2 * width, (float) itemView.getBottom() - width);
                        c.drawBitmap(icon, null, icon_dest, p);
                    } else if (dX < 0) {
                        RectF background = new RectF((float) itemView.getRight() + dX, (float) itemView.getTop(), (float) itemView.getRight(), (float) itemView.getBottom());
                        c.drawRect(background, p);
                        icon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ic_delete_white_24dp);
                        RectF icon_dest = new RectF((float) itemView.getRight() - 2 * width, (float) itemView.getTop() + width, (float) itemView.getRight() - width, (float) itemView.getBottom() - width);
                        c.drawBitmap(icon, null, icon_dest, p);
                super.onChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive);

        ItemTouchHelper itemTouchHelper = new ItemTouchHelper(simpleItemTouchCallback);


Please could you tell me how to limit the width of the onChildDraw() method.

Thanks in advance.


  • Your onChildDraw() method at the end calls its super super method like so:

    super.onChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive);

    To limit the maximum width of your swipe you can invoke super.onChildDraw() with a reduced dX:

    super.onChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX / 4, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive);