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CME datamine sample files in python

I have some sample market data from CME DataMine. The files look like the following

'1128=9\x019=104\x0135=f\x0149=CME\x0134=6613\x0152=20130714180206034\x0122=8\x0148=164576\x0175=20130715\x01107=ZC:BF H4-K4-N4\x01332=159\x01333=-161\x0110=138\x01'\n
'1128=9\x019=1634\x0135=X\x0149=CME\x0134=3177179\x0152=20130715181451830\x0175=20130715\x01268=16\x01279=1\x0122=8\x0148=1647\x0183=180151\x01107=ZC:BF U3-Z3-H4\x01269=1\x01270=45\x01271=195\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=2\x01279=1\x0122=8\x0148=21907\x0183=118087\x01107=ZCU3-ZCH4\x01269=1\x01270=21\x01271=3\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=1\x01279=1\x0122=8\x0148=21907\x0183=118088\x01107=ZCU3-ZCH4\x01269=1\x01270=21.25\x01271=10\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=2\x01279=1\x0122=8\x0148=504398\x0183=29594\x01107=ZCU3-ZCH5\x01269=1\x01270=11.25\x01271=3\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=1\x01279=1\x0122=8\x0148=504398\x0183=29595\x01107=ZCU3-ZCH5\x01269=1\x01270=11.5\x01271=2\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=2\x01279=1\x0122=8\x0148=21970\x0183=50008\x01107=ZCU3-ZCK4\x01269=1\x01270=13.5\x01271=3\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=1\x01279=1\x0122=8\x0148=21970\x0183=50009\x01107=ZCU3-ZCK4\x01269=1\x01270=13.75\x01271=8\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=2\x01279=1\x0122=8\x0148=558644\x0183=48554\x01107=ZCU3-ZCN4\x01269=1\x01270=7\x01271=3\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=1\x01279=1\x0122=8\x0148=558644\x0183=48555\x01107=ZCU3-ZCN4\x01269=1\x01270=7.25\x01271=8\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=2\x01279=1\x0122=8\x0148=22098\x0183=52504\x01107=ZCU3-ZCU4\x01269=1\x01270=15.25\x01271=3\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=1\x01279=1\x0122=8\x0148=22098\x0183=52505\x01107=ZCU3-ZCU4\x01269=1\x01270=15.5\x01271=1\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=2\x01279=0\x0122=8\x0148=504409\x0183=16282\x01107=ZCU3-ZCU5\x01269=1\x01270=25.25\x01271=1\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=2\x01279=1\x0122=8\x0148=588275\x0183=265779\x01107=ZCU3-ZCZ3\x01269=1\x01270=33\x01271=3\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=1\x01279=1\x0122=8\x0148=588275\x0183=265780\x01107=ZCU3-ZCZ3\x01269=1\x01270=33.25\x01271=20\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=2\x01279=0\x0122=8\x0148=519645\x0183=32899\x01107=ZCU3-ZCZ4\x01269=1\x01270=9.75\x01271=1\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=2\x01279=0\x0122=8\x0148=19282\x0183=20689\x01107=ZCU3-ZCZ5\x01269=1\x01270=29.75\x01271=1\x01273=181451000\x01276=K\x01336=2\x011023=2\x0110=007\x01'\n

That is, in each row, fields are separated by the \x01 character, and each field contains entries in the form tag=value.

The tags and values correspond to those specified in the FIXML specs:

I would like to parse this file into a Pandas DataFrame where the column names are the tag names, the rows are the rows in the data file and the values are parsed values (so for example, Column 1 will be AppVerId, and row 1, column 1 will be: FIX50SP2).

How can I do this using pandas?

I have tried the following:

import pandas as pd
df  = pd.read_table('data/corn/MDFF_CBT_20130714-20130715_7813_0',delimiter='\x01',header=None)

but get the following error:

ParserError: Error tokenizing data. C error: Expected 22 fields in line 3, saw 202

I am guessing this has to do with the fact that not all rows have the same number of columns.


  • Main problem is in third column tag are duplicated. So need defaultdict for store:

    from collections import defaultdict
    rows = []
    with open("CME.dat") as f:
        for line in f:
            row_dict = defaultdict(list)
            # split each line
            for element in line.split('\\x01'):
                    tag, val = element.split('=')
    #print (rows)

    Then create DataFrame but for scalar from lists first need replace NaNs to [], remove ' from columns names. Last use list comprehension with concat, reshape by stack and if necessary fill NaNs per rows add groupby with ffill:

    df = pd.DataFrame(rows).applymap(lambda x: x if isinstance(x, list) else [])
    df.columns = df.columns.str.strip("'")
    df = (pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(df[x].values.tolist()) for x in df], keys=df.columns, axis=1)

    print (df)
       1128   10  1023             107 22   268   269    270   271        273  \
    0     9  233     3       ZCN4-ZCU4  8     1     0   0.75     7   53428000   
    1     9  138  None  ZC:BF H4-K4-N4  8  None  None   None  None       None   
    2     9  007     2  ZC:BF U3-Z3-H4  8    16     1     45   195  181451000   
    3     9  007     1       ZCU3-ZCH4  8    16     1     21     3  181451000   
    4     9  007     2       ZCU3-ZCH4  8    16     1  21.25    10  181451000   
    5     9  007     1       ZCU3-ZCH5  8    16     1  11.25     3  181451000   
    6     9  007     2       ZCU3-ZCH5  8    16     1   11.5     2  181451000   
    7     9  007     1       ZCU3-ZCK4  8    16     1   13.5     3  181451000   
    8     9  007     2       ZCU3-ZCK4  8    16     1  13.75     8  181451000   
    9     9  007     1       ZCU3-ZCN4  8    16     1      7     3  181451000   
    10    9  007     2       ZCU3-ZCN4  8    16     1   7.25     8  181451000   
    11    9  007     1       ZCU3-ZCU4  8    16     1  15.25     3  181451000   
    12    9  007     2       ZCU3-ZCU4  8    16     1   15.5     1  181451000   
    13    9  007     2       ZCU3-ZCU5  8    16     1  25.25     1  181451000   
    14    9  007     1       ZCU3-ZCZ3  8    16     1     33     3  181451000   
    15    9  007     2       ZCU3-ZCZ3  8    16     1  33.25    20  181451000   
    16    9  007     2       ZCU3-ZCZ4  8    16     1   9.75     1  181451000   
    17    9  007     2       ZCU3-ZCZ5  8    16     1  29.75     1  181451000   
       336       34   346 35      48   49                 52        75  \
    0   ...      2   431875     3  X   19590  CME  20130715053428544  20130715   
    1   ...   None     6613  None  f  164576  CME  20130714180206034  20130715   
    2   ...      2  3177179  None  X    1647  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
    3   ...      2  3177179  None  X   21907  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
    4   ...      2  3177179  None  X   21907  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
    5   ...      2  3177179  None  X  504398  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
    6   ...      2  3177179  None  X  504398  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
    7   ...      2  3177179  None  X   21970  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
    8   ...      2  3177179  None  X   21970  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
    9   ...      2  3177179  None  X  558644  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
    10  ...      2  3177179  None  X  558644  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
    11  ...      2  3177179  None  X   22098  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
    12  ...      2  3177179  None  X   22098  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
    13  ...      2  3177179  None  X  504409  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
    14  ...      2  3177179  None  X  588275  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
    15  ...      2  3177179  None  X  588275  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
    16  ...      2  3177179  None  X  519645  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
    17  ...      2  3177179  None  X   19282  CME  20130715181451830  20130715   
            83     9  
    0     1491   156  
    1     None   104  
    2   180151  1634  
    3   118087  1634  
    4   118088  1634  
    5    29594  1634  
    6    29595  1634  
    7    50008  1634  
    8    50009  1634  
    9    48554  1634  
    10   48555  1634  
    11   52504  1634  
    12   52505  1634  
    13   16282  1634  
    14  265779  1634  
    15  265780  1634  
    16   32899  1634  
    17   20689  1634  
    [18 rows x 24 columns]