I have this two case classes:
case class Inline_response_200(
nodeid: Option[String],
data: Option[List[ReadingsByEpoch_data]]
case class ReadingsByEpoch_data(
timestamp: Option[Int],
value: Option[String]
And I have a Cassandra table that has data like nodeid|timestamp|value
. Basically, each nodeid
has multiple timestamp
All I want to do is create instances of Inline_response_200
with their proper List of ReadingsByEpoch_data
so Jackson can serialize them properly to Json.
I've tried
val res = sc.cassandraTable[Inline_response_200]("test", "taghistory").limit(100).collect()
But I get this error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to map constructor parameter data in com.wordnik.client.model.Inline_response_200 to a column of test.taghistory
Makes total sense because there is no column data
in my Cassandra table. But then how can I create the instances correctly?
Cassandra table looks like this:
CREATE TABLE test.taghistory (
nodeid text,
timestamp text,
value text,
PRIMARY KEY (nodeid, timestamp)
As per Alex Ott's suggestion:
val grouped = data.groupByKey.map {
case (k, v) =>
Inline_response_200(k.getString(0), v.map(x => ReadingsByEpoch_data(x.getInt(1), x.getString(2))).toList)
I'm close but not there yet. This gives me the format I expect, however its creating one instance of Inline_response_200
per record:
In this example I need to have one nodeid key, and an array of two timestamp-value pairs, like this:
Maybe I'm grouping the wrong way?
If you have data like nodeid|timestamp|value
in your DB (yes, according to schema), you can't directly map it into structure that you created. Read data from table as pair RDD:
val data = sc.cassandraTable[(String,String,Option[String])]("test", "taghistory")
and then transform it into structure that you need by using groupByKey
on that pair RDD & transforming into Inline_response_200
class that you need, like this:
val grouped = data.groupByKey.map{case (k,v) => Inline_response_200(k,
v.map(x => ReadingsByEpoch_data(x._2, x._3)).toList)}