I know about this question. But I think the issue still exist. So my request is to not mark this question as a duplicate.
When iOS app is in Background or not running device receives the notification. But when app is in Foreground, notification is not showing. I am using the same code mentioned in the documentation here
OS: iOS 11.2.5, Phone: iPhone 6 Titanium SDK: 7.0.2.GA
Below is my code for the reference.
exports.createNotification = function() {
if (Ti.UI.iOS.appBadge !== 0) {
Ti.UI.iOS.appBadge = 0;
var deviceToken = null;
// Check if the device is running iOS 8 or later
if (Ti.Platform.name == "iOS" && parseInt(Ti.Platform.version.split(".")[0]) >= 8) {
// Wait for user settings to be registered before registering for push notifications
Ti.App.iOS.addEventListener('usernotificationsettings', function registerForPush() {
// Remove event listener once registered for push notifications
Ti.App.iOS.removeEventListener('usernotificationsettings', registerForPush);
success : deviceTokenSuccess,
error : deviceTokenError,
callback : receivePush
// Register notification types to use
// For iOS 7 and earlier
else {
// Specifies which notifications to receive
success : deviceTokenSuccess,
error : deviceTokenError,
callback : receivePush
// Process incoming push notifications
function receivePush(e) {
Ti.API.info('Received push: ' + JSON.stringify(e));
//alert('Received push: ' + JSON.stringify(e));
if (e.data !== null) {
// Save the device token for subsequent API calls
function deviceTokenSuccess(e) {
deviceToken = e.deviceToken;
Ti.App.Properties.setString('PushNotificationRegID', deviceToken);
Ti.API.info('Push notification: ' + deviceToken);
//alert('deviceToken ' + deviceToken);
function deviceTokenError(e) {
Ti.API.info('Error Noti: '+JSON.stringify(e));
//alert('Failed to register for push notifications! ' + e.error);
Thanks in advance.
You have the line that shows the push commented out!
//alert('Received push: ' + JSON.stringify(e));
Re-enable this line and you’ll see it again.